
Wilf Nussey was a newspaperman for forty years, all but four of them based in Africa. He was a foremost foreign correspondent for the Argus group of newspapers for twenty years spanning most of Africa’s transition to independence and its continuing upheavals. Before that he was a freelance correspondent in Kenya for various British and North American media and lived and worked in Britain and Canada. Assignments have taken him to the Middle East, Far East, Europe and New Zealand. Five years after being appointed editor of a small newspaper, he quit to write books and freelance and has produced four successful documentaries and a collection of stories in South Africa. Now he and his wife live within yards of the sea at Simon’s Town in South Africa’s Cape Peninsula.

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One thought on “About

  1. Growing up, there was one book more than any other that my father and I would take off the shelf over weekends to read together.

    My father has passed on all too soon and today that book has pride of place in my own home, one of my most cherished possessions.

    It’s a 1986 print of “Die Kruger-wildtuin in Woord en Beeld” by David Paynter and Wilf Nussey! I know it was also printed in English.

    To say that I am thrilled to have found your blog Sir is a terrible understatement.

    Regards, Dries de Wet


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